Η δημιουργία ενός “όμορφα σχεδιασμένου και αποτελεσματικού” εταιρικού ιστότοπου στο Διαδίκτυο είναι ένα εξαιρετικά κρίσιμο έργο μέσα στην εικονική εποχή στην οποία βρισκόμαστε. Δεν το λέμε εμείς αλλά και τα στατιστικά.
Construction of a corporate website
1. Easy to locate (domain name + SEO)
Starting with the basics, building a corporate website on the internet should have an easy domain name, business name and be able to be identified by your customers who looking for.
Of course you have to logo to match your business name, however, because this is not always the case, here are some tips that can be great for keeping your thoughts in mind when trying to find a name for your company website:
- It should be as short and easy as possible
- It should be as short and easy as possible
- Avoid the "strange" endings and choose .gr in case you are addressing the Greek market, email ending in gr and .com in case you are addressing the global market, email ending in com
- Make sure the URLs of your web site's main pages (provider pages, touch pages, etc.) are also fast and incorporate the exact keywords, a good way to help SEO
- Register your business domain in as many .means and search engines as possible, to find you more easily.
- The info email ending in gr indicates a business email, either customer or support.
2. Clear business identity, corporate website
The most essential element in a corporate website is to definitely display its identity and philosophy on the website.
That is, the texts that define the vision, the desires and the philosophy, the images, the videos and the layout must definitely reflect these factors.
3. Simple and modern layout (especially on mobile)
The web layout is essential for everyone site format.
Especially on corporate websites, it is much more important, since they usually no longer promote merchandise like an eshop, they no longer depend too much on beautiful downloads like an internet portfolio or an accommodation website.
The layout we recommend for corporate websites should be modern, yet at the same time simple, without exaggerations that give a less professional image of your company.
Obviously, web designers, web designers, need to remember the business in which your organization operates, the fundamental nuances of the brand and the different brand factors that could represent it.
4. Sufficient and applicable elements of your services
A proper company website should have sufficient information about the services you offer.
We suggest a clear clarification of your services, for example with successfully completed clients and frequently asked questions to your visitors or prospects.
Every customer should feel confident about what you provide, why you supply it and be able to communicate seamlessly with a button to learn more details.
* If you have to be one step ahead of the competition, because as you can see it is huge you can have a chat feature like messenger or viber for instant customer response.
5. Easily accessible CMS company website
In addition to your customer, you should also consider the internal operation of the site, ie the administrative one.
Choose a CMS (content management system) easy, without problems that you can achieve through your means and your employees. The purpose is to easily add text, photos and videos and to edit the pages virtually,
Είναι εξαιρετικά σημαντικό να αισθάνεστε ότι “κατέχετε” τον έλεγχο του ιστότοπού σας, καθώς μια δύσκολη εφαρμογή CMS θα μπορούσε να κάνει ακόμη και την “προσθήκη” μιας εικόνας δύσκολη και τελικά να σας αποθαρρύνει από την τακτική ενημέρωση του υλικού περιεχομένου της ιστοσελίδας σας.
An important factor, on the Internet, is that sites that are not regularly updated can not rank in search engines.
Creating a wordpress website
In XNWeb Design we support the creation of wordpress website with WordPress, as it is extremely easy to manage, has a large network of developers and has a wide range of themes and add-ons that make its operation even more efficient than other management!
6. Your company data and information should be visible
The most important thing in any company website on the Internet is the A and O is to get in touch with customers and partners.
For this reason, all the basic data of the company, ie the contact details (phone, email, address, opening hours, google maps) must be displayed and there must be a contact form.
7. Excellent functionality
In the development of a corporate website on the Internet, the primary purpose should be the huge UX / UI design, this is the huge functionality.
The consumer should be able to browse the website with ease, quickly locate the provider's pages, the communication website and anything else they are looking for.
The fact is that the websites of commercial companies are not usually complex and therefore easy to operate. The reason we emphasize it, however, is that at least 40% of the company's websites lag behind in this area and this has a completely bad effect on the overall picture.
8. Absolutely safe construction of a corporate business website
Like functionality, security must be very important in the development of a corporate Internet business.
Yet! There are websites of large Greek companies that even today the security of its website is easy to hack.
Γι’ αυτό στην XNWeb βεβαιωνόμαστε ότι όλες οι ιστοσελίδες που κατασκευάζουμε (πλέον όχι απλώς οι εταιρικοί) έχουν όλα τα πρωτόκολλα ασφαλείας.
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