Create a logo
Σχεδιασμός λογότυπου. Create a logo. Το λογότυπο είναι η ταυτότητα της εταιρείας σας. Αποκτήστε ένα μοναδικό λογότυπο με εξαιρετικό και απλό σχεδιασμό.
Το λογότυπο είναι το πιο σημαντικό μέρος του σχεδιασμού και της δημιουργίας μάρκας.Ο σχεδιασμός λογότυπου είναι πολύ σημαντικός γιατί εξαρτάται από όλες τις επόμενες επιλογές σχεδιασμού, όπως σχεδιασμός διαφήμισης, εταιρική εικόνα, συσκευασία κ.λπ.
Η επιτυχία ενός λογότυπου εξαρτάται από την όμορφη σχεδίαση, τη σωστή έρευνα και ανάλυση της επιχείρησής σας και την επιλογή του σχεδιαστή. Ο σχεδιασμός και η δημιουργία λογότυπου γίνεται με τα προγράμματα Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop.
Beautiful Design: The logo is the first image of the company / business. A well-designed logo is the first example of a quality business / company.
Uniqueness: In a chaotic business environment, a good logo makes you stand out. In this era, differentiation from competitors and victory at first glance are key elements.
Memory: People tend to remember signs more easily than names. Proper design of the logo that represents the business increases the likelihood of being imprinted in the customer's memory.
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Branding a very important word because it communicates to the public who we are and why they should be interested in us. What is the value of our ideas? It is directly related to the establishment and the process of a company. It aims to create an unbreakable connection with customers by gaining their trust and feelings.
Company Identity Design, an important part of any business is to shape the ideas it wants to communicate with the public. This is done by designing a corporate image through logos, brochures, posters, banners and any other digital or printed material.
Logo is a brand symbol that expresses the corporate philosophy and makes it recognizable by the public. It should be attractive to the public and the ideas it shares are clear.


Promotion include printed materials such as cards, flyers, company presentations, posters, and even catalogs or menus, or digital materials such as banners and newsletters.
Company presentations helps introduce and publicize your company. Come tell your story.
Flyers shows brief information about your company or some of the places you want to advertise. Brochures should be concise and clearly promote the information we want to disseminate.
Menu / Price list δημιουργείται για να ενημερώνει το κοινό σχετικά με την τιμή μιας υπηρεσίας ή ενός προϊόντος. Όλες οι εταιρείες διαθέτουν ένα μενού ή έναν τιμοκατάλογο στον οποίο αξιολογούνται οι υπηρεσίες τους. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό η διατύπωση αυτών των τιμοκαταλόγων να είναι σαφής και εύκολη για τους πελάτες.
Website support, Every company that wants to keep up with the technological development of our time has started to create a website. However, it is not enough to just create a website, you need to keep promoting your business through it. If a business is promoted systematically and correctly on the Internet, there will be great benefits.
Banner appears on the webpage as a column or frame and the message is a post message. The goal is to impress and attract customers who will browse the site.
Newsletter aims to inform the public about any issues related to the company. Communication is very effective in promoting products and services. Especially when you combine additional information with product sales.